由於Chuck S2在一月要停播一整個月
並且在超級盃時發放150萬副3D眼鏡,very awesome

Here at TV Squad, we often bemoan the quick cancellation of a show that deserves a chance to evolve. We've chronicled the demise of a fan favorite like Moonlight, and empathized with our readers. There have been times when we've agreed that networks spend so much time and talent developing a show that it seems a down-right shame when the plug is pulled after a half-dozen episodes.

So, knowing all that, we have to acknowledge when a network does something right. NBC is bending over backwards to see to it that Chuck becomes a ratings hit, to go along with its already established and growing fan base. Creator Josh Schwartz expressed his thanks to NBC for the post- Super Bowl Chuck episode. The Super Bowl is Sunday, February 1.

"They were doing this big promotion inside of the Super Bowl and handing out 150 million 3-D glasses, so we are the beneficiaries of that. ...Chuck seemed like the best fit for that type of thing."

That 3-D episode will guest star Dominic Monaghan. Like Charlie, his Lost character, Dominic will be playing a British rock 'n' roller. Be prepared to see the hobbit in tight leather pants -- in 3-D. He turns up in Buy More, and according to Schwartz, "This is a very, very different kind of character. He's a lunatic in the best sense of the word."

I agree with Schwartz about NBC's faith in the show, but I don't think Monday is the right spot for the show. There's too much good TV on Monday, if you ask me. Even if Nielsen is counting DVRs and networks are parsing success based on demographics that are engaged, Chuck shouldn't be struggling so hard in the ratings to keep pace with CBS, ABC and Fox (they were helped by the World Series). So, maybe the post-Super Bowl exposure will boost the viewership. That's what I'm hoping for Chuck.


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